The evolutionists order of creation is opposite to what God says it was.

KJ Bible: Oceans before the land (Gen 1:2)

Evolution: Land before oceans


KJ Bible: First life on land (Gen 1:11)

Evolution: Life began in the oceans


KJ Bible: First life was land plants (Gen 1:11)

Evolution: Marine organisms evolved first


KJ Bible: Earth before sun and stars (Gen 1:14-19)

Evolution: Sun and stars before earth


KJ Bible: Day 3 has grass and trees and fruit

Day 4 has the sun next day for growth

Evolution: days are thousands of years, so plants die


KJ Bible: Fruit trees before fishes (Gen 1:11, 20, 21)

Evolution: Fishes before fruit trees


KJ Bible: All stars made on 4th day (Gen 1:16)

Evolution: Stars evolved at various times


KJ Bible: Birds and fishes created on the 5th day  (Gen 1:20, 21)

Evolution: Fishes evolved hundreds of millions of years before birds appeared


KJ Bible: Birds before insects

(Gen 1:20-31)                                                
Evolution: Insects before birds


KJ Bible: Birds before reptiles (Gen 1:20-31)

Evolution: Reptiles before birds


KJ Bible: Man before rain (Gen 2:5)

Evolution: Rain before man


KJ Bible: Man before woman (Gen 2:21-22)

Evolution: Man before woman (by genetics)

KJ Bible: Light before sun (Gen 1:3-19)

Evolution: Sun before any light


KJ Bible: Abundance and variety of marine life all at once (Gen 1:20-21)

Evolution: Marine life gradually developed from a primitive organic blob.


KJ Bible: Man’s body from the dust of the earth  (Gen 2:7)

Evolution: Man evolved from monkeys


KJ Bible: Fixed and distinct kinds (Gen 1:11, Gen 1:12, Gen 1:21,Gen 1:24-25; 1Cor 15:38-39)

Evolution: Life forms in a continual state of flux)


KJ Bible: Man’s sin the cause of death (Rom 5:12)

Evolution: Struggle and death existed long before the evolution of man


KJ Bible: Dinosaurs were created on the 6th day, the same day as man (Gen 1:25-26)

Evolution: Dinosaurs evolved hundreds of millions of years before man


KJ Bible: The evening and the morning were the first day. No Big Bang. (Gen 1:5)  

Evolution: The first day took millions of years




Australian Bible Ministries, PO Box 5058 Mt. Gravatt East 4122 Qld, Australia