Pictures taken from outer space show the earth as a little blue planet surrounded by a sea of darkness. Closer inspection of this image reveals the earth’s shape appears in the form of a cross. “What?” you say “It isn’t a cross, it’s round!” Well how about that! When Christ created the earth around 6,000 years ago it was in the approximate shape of a sphere, called the circle of the earth (Is 40:22), and has stayed that way ever since, but when viewed from the second heaven, it appears as a cross shape. What could Jesus Christ possibly be telling us with this impossible and incredible phenomena? The Old Testament has the clue.

The scriptures say “And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, Speak unto the children of Israel, and bid them that they make them fringes in the borders of their garments throughout their generations, and that they put upon the fringe of the borders a ribband of blue:  And it shall be unto you for a fringe, that ye may look upon it, and remember all the commandments of the LORD, and do them; and that ye seek not after your own heart and your own eyes, after which ye use to go a whoring:” (Num 15:37-39)

Israel were given these instructions with the following reasons as follows:

1.    Moses spoke these words and Moses represents the law.

2.    To remind them of the purpose of clothes

3.    Their clothes were to have a circle of colour around them

4.    A circle of colour was to be on the fringes

5.    For their descendants - throughout their generations

6.    The colour was to be blue

7.    To remind them of Mt Sinai and the giving of the law

8.    To remind them to keep the law

9.    To remind them of God’s law after they would prostitute themselves to other gods

10. To remind them that their unfaithfulness would be with their hearts and eyes

But how does all this apply to everyone, including the Jew, today?


TODAY FOR EVERYONE -  Jews and Gentiles

1. Moses spoke these words and Moses represents the law but he couldn’t enter the promised land.

Moses still represents the law for the world & they can’t get into heaven by the law. Christians follow Paul’s laws but not to get saved (1Cor 14:37). Christ fulfilled the law & the saved are in Christ.


2. To remind Israel of the purpose of clothes. Fig leaves were God’s clothes to remind them of their sins.

Despite the hopeless attempts of nudists to get back to the garden of an innocent Eden, clothes remind us that we need a ‘covering’. In Christ we are ‘clothed’ by his righteousness.


3. Their clothes were to have a circle of colour around them.

Around their ribs they were to have a band – a rib-band not a ribbon!

The earth has lungs – the air, the blue atmosphere, and this is a ribband about the earth. Just as ribs protect the lungs which breathe air, God ordains a ribband of blue around the earth – the blue sky.

4. A circle of blue colour was to be on the fringes

The first heaven is the earth’s fringe and it is blue in colour.

5. To remind their descendants - throughout their generations

The sky will always be blue to remind all people – Jews and Gentiles today of God’s ‘blue’ laws displayed as the sky.

6. The colour was to be blue


“Blue for boys, pink for girls”. Eve was made from Adam’s pink flesh. All the men newsreaders on TV wear blue suits. All Industrial Real Estate Agents pictured in newspapers wear blue suits – and they don’t know why. God is reminding everyone of the Ten Commandments.


7. To remind them of Mt Sinai and the giving of the law


Unbelievers today must still face the Ten Commandments. Christians must face Paul’s laws and commandments (1Cor 14:37)

8. To remind them to keep the law


Only by keeping the law can man get to heaven. The blue sky tells us Christ fulfilled the law on our behalf.


9. To remind them they prostituted themselves to other gods


The blue sky reminds Christians not to backslide into the world. We were fornicators with the world.

10. Their unfaithfulness was with their hearts and eyes


Our unfaithfulness? It’s called the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life (1Jn 2:16) even as Christians.


 Harley Hitchcock  





Australian Bible Ministries, PO Box 5058 Mt. Gravatt East 4122 Qld, Australia