“Now kids we’ve talked about God before haven’t we … God is like one apple having three parts … but the COFFEE BEAN is a further explanation of the begotten Jesus and God.”

“Now kids, does anyone know what an Expresso Machine is?”

“Yes Billy, that’s right. It’s where you get a cup of coffee from.”

“And how does it work?”

“Yes Mary, correct … you put the beans in the machine, and grind them up, and add hot water, and out comes the liquid?”

“What else do we notice class?”

Yes, Johnny … that’s right … coffee has a smell.”

“That’s right kids, there is one coffee bean made up of three parts.”

“Just as the Express-o machine expresses out the coffee, Jesus was also expressed out of the Godhead of three persons … so you could say that Jesus has BEAN-GOTTEN out of God.”

The Bible says of Jesus …

“… and (Jesus) being the express image of his (God’s) person …” (Hebrews 1:3)

Note: There is but one God … made up of the Godhead of three persons (Acts 17:29; Romans 1:20; Colossian 2:9).

“So kiddies, does that give you a better idea of the word “begotten”? Just think of Jesus as  bean-gotten out of God” or “been-gotten out of God” … or “being gotten out of God” … and we can shorten the word to “be-gotten out of God”.

“And here’s further explanation … Jesus was ground up … just the coffee bean … as he was whipped, beaten with bones out of joint … and felt himself turn into liquid …as Christ says of himself …

“I am poured out like water, and all my bones are out of joint: my heart is like wax; it is melted in the midst of my bowels.” (Psalm 22:14)

Summary: Like the coffee bean, Jesus was ground up, turned into water, smells like coffee … and get this … there is also the wonderful taste of Jesus as we ‘drink’ him in.

Therefore this shows us that although we are sons of God we are not begotten of God … that belongs to Jesus Christ who came out of God … he was God’s only begotten Son.

Harley Hitchcock  
January 2025

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