Schock! Horror! Wheeze!
“I’d dat
nasty big word “begotten” upsetting you adults? Don’t cry … here’s some chocolate.”
And as
churches pull down and shred God’s words … you know the nasty ‘thee’s’ and thou’s’
that are chasing the unsaved away from going to church … so God pulls down the
roller door on them.
Like baby
food that is pablum and mush, the church in all its ‘wisdom’, sanitizes,
homogenises and de-neutralizes those hundreds of ‘nasty’ indigestible words out
of the King James Bible.
So much so,
that the word ‘begotten’ has now been boiled down to ‘the one and
only’ Son of God.
Surpreeze! All the versions … and that’s all they are … they’re not
Bibles … now prove that Christ was not God as follows …
“For God so loved the world that he gave his one
and only Son …” (NIV John 3:16)
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only
Son …” (NASB John 3:16)
Teacher: “Now you
little Grade Ones … I want you to pay big attention today, and I’m going to
teach you what the word ‘begotten’ means. Can you do that for Teacher? All
right sit up straight now. Say after me ‘be --- got --- ten’”
Class: “Be
--- got --- ten”
Teacher: “And
again begotten.”
Teacher: “Very
good class. Now Johnny what did you get for Christmas?”
Johnny: “Dad got
me a bike last week from the Cycle World shop.”
Teacher: “So it
had been gotten out of the shop?”
Johnny: “Yes”
Teacher: “So
class, that’s what the word ‘begotten’ means.
Now that’s
just like Jesus … and we talked about this last week … who can tell me what God
is made up of?
Jane: “God’s
like the three pieces of an apple … the core, the flesh and the skin …
three pieces but only one God.”
Teacher: “Good,
now who can tell me what the three persons of God are? Yes Billy?”
Billy: “God the
Father, God the Word and God the Holy Ghost.”
Teacher: “So how
did Jesus come to earth? Yes Elizabeth?”
Elizabeth: “Jesus is
called the Word in heaven and he became flesh as Christ on earth.”
Teacher: “That’s
very good Elizabeth ... he has been gotten out of God … and became
Jesus on earth.
You can
also see class, how similar the words ‘been gotten’ and ‘begotten’
“So class
that is the meaning of the word ‘begotten’ … Jesus was God’s only begotten
Son … Jesus came out of God … and the King James Bible is the only one
that says this.”
Teacher: “Now
children, you can go and explain what the word ‘begotten’ means to the adults.”
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