Miracle #21-   JESUS WALKS ON WATER”
Matt 14:24-27,28-31,32-33;
Mark 6:47-50,51-52; John 6:16-19,20-21

Dear Reader, among many others, there are three lessons from this miracle:

1. Death bed conversions and distractions
2. De-materialisation
3. Two or three witnesses

1. Death bed conversions
Dear Reader, if ever there was an argument against death bed conversions, this is it … you know “I’ll ask Jesus to save me with my last breath … when I’m flat on my back.”

No they won’t! They’ll have too much else going on!

The ‘wind and waves’, the ‘storms’ and the ‘tempests’ in people’s lives of their cancers, financial ruin, internet scams, ill health and so on, will distract them from their salvation ... just like the disciples were in this miracle … indeed … as before (Matthew 8:23-26,27).

Put it this way, the disciples had just witnessed the feeding of the 5,000 with five loaves and two small fishes, yet a few hours later that same night, they took their eyes off their belief that Christ could save them … that he could still the wind and the waves. 

And how easy Dear Reader, in distracting circumstances, we have all been outside of ‘the same boat’ as Peter, in with taking our eyes off the Lord in boisterous circumstances (Matthew 14:30).

2. De-materialisation
Viewers of Science Fiction movies will be familiar with the term of “Beam me up, Scottie!” whereby the speaker’s body would be de-materialised, go through the ceiling, through outer space, to then ‘come back together’ on another planet.

In walking on the water, Christ had de-materialised himself, by changing his physical body into another physical body … somehow ‘lighter’ than the water. But yes, it was just as ‘solid’ as his previous body as he reached out and grabbed Peter by the hand (Matthew 14:31).  

This change in Christ’s atomic body structure would be again repeated in the upper room (John 20:19).

Miracles cannot be explained by science … just as the miracle of creation can never be scientifically explained. Put it this way, creation must happen first before the laws of physics come into being. 

3. Two or three witnesses
In the mouth of two witnesses (Matthew 18:16) … we have a reprise, a re-enactment, a repeat, of Christ in a previous miracle, physically inside of the boat, stilling the wind (Mark 4:35-38,39-41); and with this second witness of Christ, being outside of the boat, stilling the wind, and in addition, with a ten-point degree of difficulty … that of walking on the tempest waves.  

We notice that he constrains and ‘forces’ his disciple to row out into the Sea of Galilee. Why? As with the feeding of the 5,000, he knew what he was going to do in advance … to prove to them, a second time, his power over the weather … that he was God in the flesh (1Timothy 3:16).

As we have stated before, Satan is the god of this world (2 Corinthians 4:4) but Christ is the God over creation. Endemic in religion today, and with horrific consequences, is the false belief that Satan is more powerful that God, and has sway over the elements.

Now Dear Reader, may we now add a third witness?
“Your honour, I’d like to call to the stand the third witness … God … who will attest to his power over the wind.”

“Yes God, if you would … please take the stand.”

God begins “May I remind the courtroom of the following…”
1. MY wind asswaged the waters Noah in the ark and (Genesis 8:1)
2. MY wind causes famine (Genesis 41:6)
3. MY wind brings locusts and then takes them away (Exodus 10:13, 19)
4. MY wind has Moses crossing the Red Sea (Exodus 14:21)
5. MY wind brings the quails (Numbers 11:31)
6. MY wind rents mountains and breaks rocks (1 Kings 19:11) 

As we have said before, surely Israel would put two and two together, that they might consider, that this man, Christ, was God in the flesh, with HIS power-over-the-wind demonstrations … TWICE! … supported by a THIRD from the Old Testament (Matthew 18:16).

Unfortunately, this spiritual mathematics would not be possible for Israel at this stage, as according to prophecy … hearing they hear not, and seeing they see not (Matthew 13:13; Isaiah 6:10).

Not until Israel is in the tribulation, will God allow them, the revelation of this metaphysical  arithmetic, he so generously affords to those who are not his people (Matthew 13:13; Zechariah 12:10; Romans 9:25).

Harley Hitchcock

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John 6:16-19,20-21

Positive thinking, weather control, translation, the meaning of time

It’s after 3 am. The disciples, strenuously rowing across the Galilee Sea,
see Christ walking
up to the ship.


 Australian Bible Ministries, PO Box 5058 Mt. Gravatt East 4122 Qld, Australia