Miracle #23-   “DOGS AND CRUMBS”
The Syrophoenician woman has a daughter with a devil
Matthew 15:22-25,26-28; Mark 7:25-28,29-30

Among many others, this miracle raises four points as follows:

1. Calvinism
2. Jealousy
3. Racism
4. Gordian Knots

1. Calvinism aka Doctrines of Grace
Welcome to another of Christ’s anti-Calvinistic miracles! 

Although Israel and Christ are God’s elect (Isaiah 42:1; 45:4), provision was also made for other individuals (Leviticus 16:29), indeed nations (Jonah 4:11), has always been made to join this election by free will choice.

Being a Gentile, this woman was not one of the elect as Christ came to save his people, not others, from their sins (Matthew 1:21) … being sent to the lost sheep of the house of Israel (Matthew 15:24) …. to let the children first be filled (Mark 7:27)

2. Jealousy
In talking with this Gentile woman, Christ would stir up jealousy in Israel. Indeed, Jesus knew the outcome (Romans 10:19).

Hidden in the woman’s argument, she may have also been saying “Look Jesus, Israel are not jealous for you … they are letting your food drop off the table” … as follows …

“… Truth, Lord: yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their masters' table.” (Matthew 15:27)

3. Racism
Today, Jesus would be fined and face prison, for being racist … for calling into question her racial characteristics … in intimating this woman was a dog.

But why should such gender sensitive people, hiding their reincarnation proclivities, get all upset today ... to them dogs are just people in a different form aren’t they? Just one of the family aren’t they?

4. Gordian Knots
A Gordian Knot is a metaphor for a problem that has no easy or obvious solution.

If you watch those courtroom scenes on TV, this woman could have made a lot of money as a lawyer in arguing cases.

She did this in three steps …

1. She was determined, fell at his feet, worshipped him and called him Lord
2. She then engaged Jesus with a line of argument unlike the Pharisees who tried to entangle Jesus (Matthew 22:15)
3. With the argument that a righteous man should regard the life of his beast (Proverbs 12:10), she wins her case, with Christ commending her for her faith (Matthew 15:28).

Approaching God
Today, we could do well using a form of her approach when putting forward our requests to God … realising the difference, that this woman was acting in accordance with the kingdom of heaven rules … not as today under the kingdom of God dispensation … where all may have the peace that passeth understanding … with their requests dealt with according to God’s will (Philippians 4:7) no matter what the outcome.

Being dead in Christ, we can be assured that Christ will grant what he’s sees is best for his glory … and not what we want … no matter how cogent our argument might be to us.

The misapplication of the three examples of the importunate woman with the judge (Luke 18:2), this Syrophoenician woman, and the man knocking on his friend’s door at midnight (Luke 11:8), has led many a Christian into getting what he wanted … but with disastrous consequences.   

The world has a parallel saying of “Don’t wish too hard for what you want, because then you might get it!”

Dear Christian, be grateful you have eternal security, presenting your requests with thanksgiving (Philippians 4:6), take the lower seat and pray “Not my will but thine dear Lord … your will, your way, your time” … no matter what condition your ‘daughter’ is in.

To keep pounding away on God’s door is not godly … they are simply prayers of unbelief that God does not know what he is doing.

Harley Hitchcock

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