Did you know that Satan has 5 strategies for Bible study?

They are:

1.      Keep you out of the Bible.

2.      If you get into the Bible, He’ll make you disbelieve it.

3.      If you believe the Bible, He’ll make you misunderstand it.

4.      If you understand the Bible, He’ll make you forget it.

5.      If you remember the Bible, He’ll make you disobey it.

   So, the Christian's First and Last Rule for Bible study is:

Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing  the word of truth.  (2Timothy 2:15)

Rule 12.
"Law of 1st and Last Mention"

 Whenever a word or phrase is first and last mentioned, is an indicator of how God uses it through the Bible. The 'fig tree'
in Gen 3:7 and Rev 6:13 is associated with shame and curse. In Gen 4:10 the 'blood' (and what it stands for) is established. See Rev 19:13.

