Rome’s latest offering for Christians to cool them off and water them down … yawn! yawn!

Rome’s at it again.

The LIMP-WRISTED SATANIC VERSION (LSV) … you know … … no sodomy, no hell, no unknown tongues, no dung … and the boring list goes on and on and on and on and on … … ZZZZZ! …

Oh! Forgive me Dear Reader, I must have fallen asleep.

“Mummy! Mummy! We’ve just been playing shop in the backyard … and using paddle pop sticks for money!”

“Well you know Bobby … that’s not real money … is it?”

“Oh … but it is Mum!”

“Sure Dear!” as she pats him on the head.” (Romans 14:1)

Once again Dear Reader, Rome would have the weak-faithed Christian join them in their swamp of treacherous lies, by having you elevate their LSV into your imaginations (2 Corinthians 10:5).

Dear Reader, remember above all … that all the versions are simply an excuse to chop down the perfect, pure, infallible, inerrant and inspired … The King James Bible one God, one Word, one Lord Jesus Christ and one Bible.

Their end game is to say “Well, the KJB has errors … and this word should be that word … and ‘the Greek says this and the Greek says that’ … and so on … so let’s go back to Vaticanus and Sinaiticus although long discarded by both Rome and the 1611 Translators.”

Rome had thrown them into a rubbish bin until Tischendorf dragged them out again like a dog with a dry bone.

As Jesus said to the Pharisees … “Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.” (John 5:39) … and Christ is standing right next to them in the flesh.  

So the limp-wristed explorers, ignoring the King James Bible, rifle through Rome’s stones and thistles looking for a crumb or two.   

And so it is with the willing ignorant, who ignoring the true treasures of the King of Books … the King James Bible … scrap and dig for fool’s nuggets in the version dumpsters … shouting “Eureka! I have found a two week old, half-sucked lolly-pop!” … and then scurrying off into their holes in the wall … to worship and drool over their anti-food.

Need I go on Dear Reader, you’ve got the drift … if you haven’t, please have a scroll through Which Bible? and The Greek teaching articles, and many others, on this website.

Let us be reminded Dear Reader of the Satanic LSV, and it’s usual predictable lies coming out of Rome … and there are thousands in the LSV … a few being mentioned below …


Limp-wristed Satanic Version (LSV)

It’s not the Bible … it’s Rome’s version.

Dear Legacy Standard Version user, at the judgment seat of Christ (Romans 14:20; 2 Corinthians 5:10), don’t be caught out unawares trying to invent excuses on the spot, as to why you loved the LSV … you know … “er … um … ah … well … you’ve got me on the hop there Jesus!”

Be prepared with your reasons before you get there the following will definitely help.

Reason #1 (James 5:16) You can tell Jesus we are to confess our sins (LSV – Legacy Standard Version) not confess your faults (AV – Authorized Version, KJB, The King James Bible).
Is this why Pope Benedict loves the LSV, as it promotes the priest in the confessional box?

Reason #2 (2Tim 2:15) You can tell Jesus we don’t have to study to show thyself approved (AV KJB) but just be diligent (LSV).  What a relief! Who likes studying? Look, Just have a go and do your best! That’s all that matters.
Yeh right! Tell that to any University Medical/Engineering/Mathematics graduate that studied late into the night, with sweat pouring out under the door.

Losers say “Well I did my best … I was diligent but I didn’t study … because it was too hard! Boo-Hoo! I’m gonna cry now!”

Reason #3 (John 1:3) You can tell Jesus that all things were made through him (LSV) and not by him (AV KJB).
Where’s my dictionary - is this why the Christadelphians, Mormons and JW’s love the LSV?

Reason #4 (1Cor 1:18) You can tell Jesus that salvation is an ongoing process of being saved (LSV) and no-one can know that they are saved (AV KJB).
Is this why Pope Benedict loves the LSV as it keeps the money making machine of the Catholic set-up in business?

Reason #5 (Luke 16:23) You can tell Jesus that the rich man was in hades (LSV) – not hell (AV KJB).
In the New Age, Hades is an intermediate state of purification and not the final punishment of hell. Does this sound similar to Rome’s purgatory?

Reason #6 (1 Tim 6:10) You can tell Jesus that money is only a root of evil (LSV) not the root (AV). Dictionary please?

Reason #7 (Titus 3:10) You can tell Jesus that you can reject a man for being factious (LSV), and not a heretic (AV).
Heresy is about doctrine while division and being fractious can be virtually anything. No, the truth is that believing heresy is the grounds for rejection (AV), not simply exposing it as a divisive person might (LSV).

Reason #8 (1 Tim 6:5) You can tell Jesus that godliness can be a means of gain (LSV) and not the reversal of the meaning of gain is godliness (AV).
Which one is correct?
Is this why the ‘Name It and Claim It’ crowd like the LSV?

Reason #9 (2 Cor 2:17) You can tell Jesus that peddling (LSV) the word of God is the sin and not corrupting (AV) the word
Sniff! Sniff! Do we suspect that the LSV editors were letting themselves off the hook by changing the meaning?

Reason #10 (2Cor 10:5) You can tell Jesus the word “speculations” (LSV) is far preferable to “imaginations” (AV).
With the New Age ‘imaging’ and ‘visualization’ techniques entering the church, wouldn’t “casting down speculations” be preferred?

Reason #11 (Gen 22:8) You can tell Jesus that “… God will provide for himself the lamb” (LSV) instead of “…God will provide himself…” (AV) as a lamb. Could this be a reason why Satan prefers the LSV as it destroys the most wonderful promise in the Bible?

Reason #12 (Matt 20:20) You can tell Jesus that Satan prefers the mother of Zebedee’s children simply bowing down (LSV) rather than worshipping him (AV).

Reason #13 (Acts 12:4) You can tell Jesus it was Passover (LSV) and not Easter (AV).
Does the fact that the days of unleavened bread (Acts 12:3) coming after the Passover (Ex12:17-18; Ezra 6:19-22) help change your mind?
“Oh! Hello Jesus! The King James Bible is correct!! Ooops! Sorry!”

Reason #14 (Acts 17:22) You can tell Jesus that paying people a compliment by telling them they are religious (LSV) is a far better way to preach the truth, than to convict them by calling them superstitious (AV)

Reason #15 (Deut 23:17) You can tell Jesus that sodomites (AV) prefer to remain anonymous such that the title of a cult prostitute (LSV) could be anyone.

Reason #16 (Dan 3:25) You can tell Jesus that, he, like the Son of God (AV KJB) was not needed to protect Shadrach and company in the fire, any old son of the gods (LSV) could have done the job.

Reason #17  2Cor 2:10 You can tell Jesus that his person (AV) has been downgraded to a mere presence (LSV). 

Reason #18  (Ezra 8:36) You can tell Jesus the harder word is satraps (LSV) and not the easy understood word of lieutenants (AV). Does the LSV really make the reading of the Bible more simple?

Reason #19 (Ps 109:6) You can tell Jesus that Satan (AV) likes to remain out of sight and let any accuser (LSV) take the blame.

Reason #20 (Matt 12:40) You can tell Jesus the word is fish and whale (AV) not sea monster (LSV).
To make this switch, you have to ignore the fact that the Greek word for whale in this verse is ketos. Isn’t the scientific name for whales, Cetaceans, and the scientific study of whales called Cetology?
Furthermore, all living creatures in the sea were known as fish … it’s only that false science has split up the categories to disagree with the King James Bible. 

Reason #21 (Mark 13:6) You can tell Jesus that the antichrist is happy to be called He (LSv) and not Christ (AV). Aren’t the New Agers looking for a ‘He’ to show up?

Reason #22 (John 4:24) You can tell Jesus you prefer the phrase God is spirit (LSV) with its impersonal, New Age and pantheistic meaning, and not God is a Spirit (AV).
Is it of any surprise then, that emphasizing the fact that God is a single and particular spirit, and not to be mixed or confused with any spirit, is abhorrent to the New Age?

Reason #23 (1Cor 1:21) You can tell Jesus that you think that “the foolishness of preaching” (AV) should be “the foolishness of the message preached” (LSV).

To the unsaved, the fact that Jesus died for the sins of the whole world is not foolish, but what annoys them, is the public preaching about it.

If you’re saved, is there anything foolish about preaching?

Furthermore, “the word of the cross” (LSV) is not foolishness to the unsaved (1 Corinthians 1:18) but the preaching of the cross (KJB)

Reason #24 (Phil 3:8) You can tell Jesus that you don’t hate your past life with all its achievements, by calling it the foul smelling excrement dung (AV).
In fact, could it be there’s quite a lot to be proud of, and, if Jesus didn’t mind, could you just call it rubbish (LSV)?

Reason #25 (1Tim 6:20) You can tell Jesus it’s only the godless and empty chatter and the opposing arguments of what is falsely called knowledge (LSV) and not the oppositions of science (AV)!
Is this why evolutionary thinking Christians and climate change people prefer the LSV?
Furthermore, the science minded saved man, hates the fact that science should be called into question.
“I know” he says “let’s water is down to knowledge.”

Reason #26 (2Pet 2:1) You can tell Jesus that false teachers only bring in the destructive (LSV) heresies not damnable (AV) ones. Just a slap on the wrist then?

Reason #27 You can tell Jesus you preferred that your Legacy Standard version … as it is just like the New King James Version … that has removed the words “Lord” 66 times; “God” 51 times and “heaven” 50 times; repent 44 times; hell 23 times; blood 23 times; and the words devils, damnation, Jehovah and new testament are completely omitted. Furthermore, it was acceptable to you to remove 2,289 words from the New Testament alone, and changed over 100,000 words.

Reason #28 (1 Cor 14:2 etc etc) You can tell Jesus you that you approve that the word unknown (AV) is omitted. Could it be that the LSV compilers are modern day babblers?
Yes … but here’s the thing …. they’re not even unknown tongue speakers.

Reason #29 (Luke 7:19) You can tell Jesus that calling him the One (LSB) is preferred by the New Age Movement and the occult who are looking for the One called Lord Maitreya.
A highly reverenced mantra chanted by New Agers to invoke the Maitreya is “Let Light, Love, Power and Death, Fulfil the purpose of The Coming One”.

Reason #30 (Isaiah 9:3) This verse states that God will NOT increase Israel’s joy (KJV AV) yet the LSB says “You shall make great their gladness” … Mmmm! Someone’s got it back to front … what say ye?
The LSB leaves out the ‘not’. This verse refers to the 2nd Advent of the return of Jesus Christ to earth.

Reason #31 Psalm 68:4

Sing unto God, sing praises to his name: extol him that rideth upon the heavens by his name JAH, and rejoice before him.”
The LSB says “Lift up a song for him who rides through the deserts, Whose name is Yah

Reason #32 You can tell Jesus ahhh    … er … um … ahh … um… err ….

In conclusion…

Dear Reader, at the judgment, I don’t think we’ll be telling Jesus anything … do you? In fact, I strongly suspect there’ll be no dialogue … “I’ll shut up Jesus … you do the talking!”

A Cook? Loves cooking! A mechanic? Loves cars!

So why wouldn’t the Word love his words!

Will Jesus be justified in throwing the LSV with Rome’s opposite meanings, omissions and deceitful manipulations, into the lake of fire, despite your affection for it?

Dear LSV lover, it’s not a matter of if … but when you will tap the mat.

Harley Hitchcock
December 2024

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