Statement:  “THERE IS NO GOD!”

 Answer:  You mean “YOU HOPE THERE IS

Dear Reader, as a Street Preacher, you get to hear it all.

A modern worldly ‘confident’ lady (not really) … aka an insensitive brash lady with no shamefacedeness
(1 Timothy 2:9)… you know … sisters doing it for themselves … brushed past me today whispering but loud enough to be heard by me … they are too embarrassed to say it out loud …  “There is no God!”

Of course, she was wrong on two accounts, as the Bible says there are many gods … and there is only THE God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

Now being guided by the injunctions of answering a fool or not answering a fool (Proverbs 26:4-5), sometimes I reply … lest they be wise in their own conceit.

In this case, I immediately said … and I’ve tried all sorts of replies that have to be hastily squeezed into a two-second time frame as they rush by …  “I’ll put you down for a “NO” then?”

And this jolted her … but not missing a beat she bull-dozed on … and gathering up the remains of her punctured, swaggering and pompous verbal ‘balloon’ … she ‘flipped the bird’.

Being lost for words, that’s all she could do.

I should imagine that under her breath she was saying ... “Fancy a Street Preacher saying something like that to me! I’ve never been so humiliated like that in my life! … the nerve of him! … shouldn’t they be more like Jesus … gratefully thanking the public for throwing ‘rocks and stones’ at them! What’s the world coming to! Harrumph! Harrumph!”

Now in times past I would have earnestly entreated and said something like “Oh no! That doesn’t have to be like that!” … but not so much now ... it just depends.  

In fact these people help me to preach!  

What I do now, is to take what people say to me, and immediately preach it out loud as the following …

So I said “A lady just walked by me and said there is no God! How about that! I’m devastated! Well I have to tell you folks that shook me right up! Oh! I must be wasting my time here on the street for years now! Oh! I’d better pack up and go home and never come out again! Oh! No heaven, no hell and no God! That’s just destroyed me! I’m shattered!

This makes people laugh … because most suspect it may not be true.

Anyhow, Satan hates mocking!

And Dear Reader, do you know what? A lot of people look at me and smile … and are genuinely amused … as they can see I am not daunted in any way with opposition. They agree with my right to preach … free speech and all that.

There is an admiration of “Man, you got guts!”

But of course, this is what is called “The Australian Way” … which is “We might or might not agree with you, but we ‘admire’ you speaking what you have to say.

People will forgive you for anything in Australia … but not for three things … being weak;  being a paedophile or hurting babies.

Sometimes you just have to let people go … and it’s called the foolishness of preaching (1 Corinthians 1:21) … and in the common parlance … you cop it sweet.

Now Dear Reader, as we near the end of things … and I mean the closeness of the rapture … people have set their sails … have got off the fencehardened their hearts to reject the salvation of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Why? There are many reasons … with one being … “Look, I’m 45 years old, and I’ve based my life on what I believe … and I don’t intend to be a laughing stock among my friends … let alone start my life all over again! Anyhow, I’m not as bad as some! Anyhow, I’ve tried religion … and furthermore … there’s nothing wrong with enjoying life (code words for fornication, getting drunk and so on). Anyhow … stop judging me … what about those Catholic priests?”

I think the pop song says it all … “life in the fast lane” … you know … put the foot down and go hard … just dying to get lost!

And as I said to my wife “It’s like a dark night out there, the bridge is down, you’re waving a torch … but no one cares or wants to know about death or eternity!”

“You can bash on someone’s door and yell … “Your house is on fire!” … and oh yeh … they’d come rushing out then. But their personal house … their soul … no way Hoze-ay.”

It’s like the one Jew that escaped the German gas chambers, rushed back to his people and described in detail the millions being killed … they would not believe him. 

Here’s another example … I have nine boards on display … and none mention any particular sin eg stealing, coveting, lying, homosexuality, no denominations or religion … and so on. 

Note: If you target anyone sin or religion, they complain, and the police will shut you down as quick as anything.

No Dear Reader, you can still get away with Street Preaching by convicting? (offending) everyone!

So I preach ALL have sinned.

People know they’re sinners … “Yeh! I’ve got to better! Turn over a new leaf!” … and so on.

Even if they don’t know about God demanding perfection, they know that they have violated their own standards as follows …

“Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.” (James 4:17)

But cop this, another lady walks by and shouts “God loves gays!” … quickly disappearing around the corner … very brave you know.

But with my preaching and my boards … there is not a hint of sodomy, homosexuality, transgenderism … but that’s how much this sin is ingrained in the DNA of people … that the LGBTQI loving crowd are troubled by their conscience … without the topic even being mentioned … Yes Siree! God’s put it in their heart alright ((John 1:9)

And of course, after the event, you think of replying “No, God loves Christ!”

Now Dear Reader, don’t get me wrong, God so loved the world … PAST TENSE … ONCE … but not now!

God says “There’s my love Folks … my Son died on the cross for the sins of the world … oncetwo thousand years ago!”

As a Christian you cannot show people the love of Christ … dying for their sins … but you can tell them where to find it.

And as I preach on the street to everyone …
That’s the horror of it all … you had the opportunity to get saved on the 16th September, the corner of Edward and Queen at 10.15 am … and you said
“Not for me!”

And eventually, most will scream “If God loves ‘gays’ … why am I now burning in hell?”

Harley Hitchcock
September 2024

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