Dear Reader, we’ve all heard the one about the teacher giving a History lesson to his very young primary school class.

Teacher: “Now boys and girls, who tried to blow up the British Houses of Parliament … yes Billy?”

Little Billy: Immediately shooting up his hand … “It wasn’t me Sir!” … obviously used to being accused … falsely or otherwise … and with a ready ‘justifying’ defence of himself.

Here’s another …

Judge to motorist clocked at doing 180: “Mmmm! … and your reason?”

Speeding motorist to judge: “Well Your Honour, a fellow sped past me driving dangerously at 120 … so thinking him to be a danger to the general public, I took off after him.”

Judge: “But first, you went to MacDonalds first for thirty minutes for a meal … is that correct? He would have been long gone and forty miles down the highway? And what about the tree you crashed into?”

Motorist: “Yes Your Honour, but I was that hungry! I would have fainted immediately driving after him! And I didn’t run into the tree, it sort of jumped out in front of me!” … trying to justify himself before the accusation of the law i.e. “I’m righteous … I’m innocent!”

Here’s another …

Unsaved man to God: “But there are worse sinners than me … I’m not as bad as some!” … trying to justify himself before the accusation of the demands of God’s Ten Commandments i.e. “I’m righteous … I’m innocent!”


Now to be justified is to be made free from any penalty of the law; to be declared free from guilt or blame; to be absolved; to be cleared; to be pardoned; to be vindicated; to be excused; to be declared not guilty before the law.

Now if a criminal has been put to death for his crimes, he is then declared to be free from the accusations of the law, and therefore, no longer subject to it.

That is …  if a man is dead, the law can no longer ‘touch’ him. I mean, how could you drag a dead man into court to then sentence him to death? It would be laughable.

As another article on the ABM website says that a couple of centuries ago on a village noticeboard you could read “Such-and-such was justified by hanging by the neck till dead at 3pm in the Market Square”

That is … with the death penalty carried out, a man was said to be justified … free from the law.

For the Christian? Justified by being put into the death of Christ … and thereby freed from the demands of God’s law (Romans 6:3).

Christ died for our justification that we might be justified in him.

Harley Hitchcock
September 2024

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It is an interesting fact that under Scottish Law, when a man was put to death he was spoken of as being “justified”.



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