Dear Reader, our previous teachings on the pizza-dream Gap Theory can be clicked on at the end of this teaching.

Now, the Peanut Gallery Gap Theorist says there are three creations in the Bible … 

1. The first creation found in Genesis 1:1

Then there is a time gap of millions/billions of years

2. The second creation found in Genesis 1:2

3. The third creation found at the end of Revelation

But first, some background information:

1. God creates the first heavennot heavens (Genesis 1:1). This is the total universe.

2. This is the ‘canvas’ for the three heavens, that will be superimposed upon it.

3. God then creates the first earth right in the centre of the universe.

4. Of course, the earth’s sun in the dead centre of creation … with the circling earth … as it should be … Christ at the centre (Malachi 4:2).

5. Of course, God, being the creator, would have ‘existed’ outside of his first creation … wow! Think about that for a while Dear Reader.

The Facts:

Now there are only two creations mentioned in the Bible … the first in Genesis and the second in Revelation with …

“In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth…” (Genesis 1:1)


“And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth (those of Genesis 1:1) were passed away …” (Revelation 21:1)

Dear Reader, how is this for Bible Numerics … and how appropriate … the first creation in the first chapter of the Bible, and the second creation is in the second last chapter of the Bible. 

Why is a second universe needed?

Being tainted with sin, God’s simply melts the first creation (2 Peter 3:10,12), and starts all over again … a mere snap of the fingers for Christ. 

Using Godhead numerics, we demonstrate that Christ creates both the 1st and the 2nd creations …

1. As Christ is God, and there is only one God, it is appropriate he creates the 1st creation (1 John 5:7-8)

2. As Christ is the 2nd person of the Godhead, he also creates the 2nd creation.

Now this second creation is mentioned in Isaiah as follows …

“For, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind.” (Isaiah 65:17) 

Now the use of the word “former” by itself, with no article, denotes things or people that have been previous, earlier, past or prior … and in this case … could include more than two creations.   

However when used with the article “the”, as in “the former”, this is called an absolute … and means only two events or people are involved … being opposed to the latter.  

For example, the phrase ‘the former’, denotes the first or first mentioned of TWO … such as … “Bill and Bob are brothers with the former being taller.”

Furthermore, with the Bible being its own contextual Dictionary, we find the phrase of “the former” deals with only two things … as follows …

1. Luke speaking of the two books he has written (Luke and Acts) … The former treatise (the gospel of Luke) have I made, O Theophilus …” (Acts 1:1)

2. Paul speaking of two conversations (behaviours) of men, being the former and the latter with “… the former conversation the old man…” (Ephesians 4:22) … that is … there is

the ‘old’ man’s behaviours and the ‘new’ man’s behaviours.

In summary:

The wording of THE former” (Isaiah 65:17) means there are only two creations mentioned in the Bible.

So for Gap Theorists to say there are three creations, merely demonstrates that the only gap that exists, resides in a body part above their shoulders … that is … their skull.

The following verse is taken from

“The Australian Idiot’s Easy Peasy Bible Version” … it reads … 

“Gap Theorists are devoid of kangaroos in the top paddock!” (Romans 1:22)


“although someone seems normal, they are in fact, very stupid”

Harley Hitchcock
September 2024

This website’s front page is:

The Gap Theory and its roots in Freemasonry, Hinduism and Gnosticism



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 Qld, Australia