Christ throughout the Scriptures

1. There were three cities outside of Canaan and three cities inside the promised land … that is, there were two lots of three cities on either side of the Lordan

So the numerology is this …

The number of the Godhead (Romans 1:20) is three as follows …

“For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.

And there are three that bear witness in earth, the Spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one.”: (1 John 5:7-8) 

And the number of Christ is two … so we have 2 x 3 … Christ and the Godhead represented by numbers … amazing isn’t it?

2. Furthermore, three cities ‘inside’ the Jordan were for the Jews and three cities ‘outside’ the Jordan were for the Gentiles who had not entered the Promised land as such (Exodus 12:25) … each group of people having access to the safety of the city.

So like today, both the Jew and the Gentile can be saved by ‘running into’ Christ for the safety of salvation.

Of course indeed, the pagans living in the Promised land at the time, could become Jews and have access to the cities as well.

3. There are four books in the Bible that mention the cities of refuge … Exodus 21, Numbers 35, Deuteronomy 19 and Joshua 20.

Once again here’s the numerology … Christ was from the fourth tribe of Judah (Hebrews 7:14) … not Levi being the 3rd tribe representing the law …. which could never save … but only condemn and curse … being the perfection of the character of a sinless God.

4. The city of refuge, representing Christ, gave safety as long as the man remained in it.

Of course if he left it, he would not be safe, as terror could suddenly descend on him.

This also shows that people in the old testament could never have eternal salvation … it was a matter of choice … unlike today … if one is in Christ (1 Corinthians 12:13) he is eternally safe.  

5. People stumble at the meaning of the ‘revenger of blood’ or ‘the avenger’ … ascribing him to Satan … misquoting John 10:10 … yes, Satan had the power of death, but not the power OVER death!

Satan could not decide to suddenly kill people at his whim … God only has this power.

As one writer writes “At any moment, Satan can snatch your defenceless soul and cast you into hell forever.”

But is this true?

First of all, as today, heaven or hell was a free will choice, and secondly, Satan has not been to hell … but will be cast into the lake of fire eventually … misquoting Hebrews 2:14 … as hell is God’s wrath for those that reject Jesus Christ as their Saviour.

6. These cities were situated on hills and obvious to all, being clearly seen, for those seeking refuge and safety … indeed as Christ be lifted up to draw all unto himself (John 12:32).

Furthermore, Christ now dwells in ‘the hill of heaven’.

It’s of no accident that people look up to heaven when thinking about God … of course indeed … ‘casting down their eyes’ when thinking of the sins of themselves.  

7. It was Israel’s responsibility to provide a way to each of these cities (Deuteronomy 19:3) and similarly when witnessing to others today, we must also provide a very clear way … to the way of Christ himself (John 14:6) by clearing out anything that would complicate our explanation of salvation.

Dear Reader, let us be very clear as follows … 

“The ten commandments were not given to save us … but to put a curse of us … because they demand perfection (James 2:10).  

It’s 100% or hell fire!

The law is good, holy and perfect, but impossible for anyone to keep … it’s called sin (Romans 3:23).  

You don’t jump into the boxing ring against the ten commandments.

You send in your representative Jesus Christ, who 2,000 years ago defeated and fulfilled the law on your behalf … so that it has no more power over you.  

As God raised Christ’s hands as the winner in the ring, it’s as if it was you … Christ did it on your behalf!

He lived the perfect and sinless life, demanded by God, that you have been unable to live … and that’s the exchange you can have today … Christ has washed away God’s wrath of hell fire meant for you … and given you his sinless life as the substitute (John 3:16).

You now must believe the following …

‘Dear God, I believe Jesus Christ defeated the power of the curse of the law over me. Thank you for saving me from your wrath of hell fire.” (Acts 16:31)

Harley Hitchcock
December 2023

This website’s front page is:

Christ throughout the Scriptures

Read Exodus 12:1-4,5-8,9-12,13

 The Passover lamb in the book of Exodus was a type of the actual physical Christ to come.


 Australian Bible Ministries, PO Box 5058 Mt. Gravatt East 4122 Qld, Australia