A: “HE WAS A WOLF IN SHEEP’S CLOTHING … woof! woof! baa! baa!”

Also called speaking out of both side of the mouth.  

Dear Reader, after a couple centuries of Rome unsuccessfully attempting to eliminate the early Christians with intense, horrific and deadly persecutions … indeed having the opposite effect, as it is said that 50% of the Roman citizens had become Christians by the end of the Imperial Persecutions in AD 313 … the Roman Emperor Constantine in AD 321 sat down, had a nice hot cup of English Breakfast tea (leave the bag in please, no sugar and a few drops of milk) with an Arnott’s Iced Vo Vo … and thoughtfully said the following to himself …

“Mmmm! This persecution business isn’t working! Half the population are now Christians … I think I need another strategy … now let me think … I know … I’ll make a civil decree and make Sunday as the day of rest instead of the Jewish Saturday.”

“This will make me look like the Christians’ friend.”  

“Furthermore, I’ll pretend to be a Christian as well … we’ll let them build church buildings and worship on Sunday … that’ll bring them out into the open where we can more easily spy on them! I’m a genius!”

“Anyhow … put it this way … the Christians have been worshipping on the first day of the week for about 250 years, since Paul appeared on the scene (Acts 20:7; 1 Corinthians 16:2). I’m only rubber-stamping the whole thing.”

Prior to Constantine, the Roman Emperor Persecution Hit Parade read like this …

Julius Caesar 46-44 BC Lord of the Roman world (‘god’ manifest in the flesh … yeh right!)

Augustus 31 BC – 14 AD In his reign Christ was born … and King Herod killed all the     Jewish babies under two years old

Tiberius AD 12-37 In his reign Christ was crucified

Caligula AD 37-41 A very evil man Shockingly cruel

Claudius AD 41-54 A very evil man Shockingly cruel

Nero AD 54-68 Executed Paul

Galba AD 68-69

Otho AD 69

Vitelius AD 69

Vespasian AD 69-79 Destroyed Jerusalem

Titus AD 79-81

Domitian AD 81-96 Persecuted Christians Banished John to Patmos

Trajan AD 96-117

Hadrian AD 117-138 Persecuted Christians

Antoninus Pius AD 138-161 Persecuted Christians

Marcus Aurelius AD 161-180 Persecuted Christians

Commodus AD 180-192

‘Barrack’ Emperors AD 192-284 Appointed by the Army. Civil wars

Septimius Severus AD 193-211 Persecuted Christians

Caracalla AD 198-217

Elagabalus AD 218-222

Alexander Severus AD 222-235

Maximin AD 235-238 Persecuted Christians

Phillips AD 244-249

Decius AD 249-251 Persecuted Christians furiously

Valerian AD 253-260 Persecuted Christians

Galienus AD 260-268

Aurelian AD 270-275 Persecuted Christians

Diocletian AD 284-305 Persecuted Christians furiously


And of course Dear Reader, Rome then morphed itself from being a spent political power into the ‘religious’ set-up we have today … you know … doing whatever it takes … (boof! boof! being a combination of woof! woof! and baa! baa! … anyhow the name of the game these days is hybrid … gender indeterminate … non-binary … petrol and electric … the best of both worlds)

Of course, Einstein didn’t help did he? … you know …  it’s all relative isn’t it? … relative motion … is he going backwards or going forwards?

You know … what is truth? There are no absolutes!


It has been estimated that hundreds of millions have been killed under Rome … with its indulgence-extortions leaving Catholic countries poor, superstitious and one heartbeat from hell.

And Dear Reader, the movie will continue with the Pope being the false prophet in St John’s Book of the Revelation (Revelation 16:13; 19:20; 10:10).

Do yourself a favour … do some proper King James Bible study … not the NKJV.

Be not fooled … Rome is a wolf in sheep’s clothing … a political power fornicating with the kings of the earth (Revelation 17:18; 18:3, 9)

Constantine a Christian? Pull the other leg … decreed Sunday worship as a matter of political and economic convenience.

Ol’ Connie … the Con Man … good name don’t you think … was a sacramental pretender  you know … ya’ gotta eat the actual physical body Jesus and drink his actual physical blood and get him into your tummy … “Quick Mum get the Priest … Dad’s on his last legs!”

Mmmm! Snack! Snack! Tastes like wine and a Jatz Cracker to me!

“Over the teeth
Over the gums
Look out ventriculum
Here is comes!”

Yep! In one end and out the other.

As a Landscape Gardener, I once did some work for a bloke … a cautious man … who went to both the Church of England and Roman Catholic services … to cover all bases you know … in case one was wrong and the other was right.

Can’t be too careful can you?

Harley Hitchcock
October 2024

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