Dear Reader, I am at a loss! I need help! Now it’s not
often this happens to me, but am I confronted with an impossible task?
reading the following, if you think you can help me, indeed provide a
way out,
a solution, a remedy, no matter how small or insignificant, please
write or email
me care of ABM.
So here’s the thing. Am I to book a million dollar
expensive flight off into space? Who could help me there? Mr Musk of
Elon fame
perhaps – he seems to be conquering the vast unknown. Hopefully he
could shoot
me out past Alpha Centauri, past the second heaven and all the
galaxies, and into the 3rd heaven wherever that might be.
You see here’s my dilemma, I am told that God’s word
is in heaven somewhere.
“For ever,
O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven.” (Psalm
Now who is
telling me this? I’ll tell you – these
are the saved, yes saved, believe it or not, Conservatives,
Fundamentalists and
Evangelicals of the last 170 years, those that are preachers, pastors,
deacons, missionaries and so on.
Let me
start at the beginning – I’m jumping the
gun. Just at this stage, heaven seems to be my final court of appeal to
the scriptures. However, there are two stages in this process.
I’ve just
got so upset I’ve leaped to the second solution. Stay with me, I’m OK
now, I’ve
calmed down – I’ll start again.
First off, they are
telling me they are clever enough to be able to correct The King James
with “THE Greek text” or “the ORIGINAL Greek text”.
Yes, these
are they, who while claiming they
believe The Holy Bible is the FINAL court of appeal in all
matters of
faith and conduct, also appeal to an unseen, unread, unheard of pile of
papers, calling them “the original autographs”.
Now please
excuse me Dear Reader, is this hypocrisy
or what? Are they lying to me? Which cup is the pea under? Is it the
King James
text or some mythical writings? Do we have the Holy Bible, God’s final
authority to man, in our hands today or not?
Now here’s
the second part of my dilemma. In
the process of them, not being cornered by my concern, I am then told
with all
the gravity and sincerity of the Pope giving a discourse on salvation
“Oh no,
even though we don’t have a clue about these “originals”, and where we
can find
them, we are absolutely sure God’s word is forever settled in heaven.
119:89). Ah yes, it’s not available down here so you’d better
try and
access heaven to find God’s word!”
So Dear
Reader, can you see my dilemma.
How can I
get hold of “the originals”?
Greek text should I believe – there are over
thirty of them and still counting, and none of them agree with each
How can I
get up to heaven to access God’s word in
heaven? Furthermore, if I got up there, it’s a big place, where would I
So Dear
Reader, I’m further confused by two
more scriptures. You see God is telling me one thing, but these
defenders of the faith once delivered are telling me another.
“But the
righteousness which is of faith speaketh
on this wise, Say not in thine heart, Who shall ascend into heaven?
is, to bring Christ down from above:) Or, Who shall descend into
the deep?
(that is, to bring up Christ again from the dead.) But what saith it? The
word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the
word of
faith, which we preach;” (Romans 10:6-8)
I’m not to go into heaven and get God’s word!
“For the
oppression of the poor, for the sighing of
the needy, now will I arise, saith the LORD; I will set him in safety
from him
that puffeth at him. The words of the LORD are pure words:
as silver
tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou
shalt keep
them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for
(Psalm 12:5-7)
God has
given us his purified, inerrant,
infallible, inspired and perfect words here on earth.
Dear Reader, if Christ is the Word
from heaven, and has come to earth, why would he leave his words in
where I can’t get at them? I’m desperate! Who do I believe?
Do they
have any Space Travel Agents yet? Please let
me know.
**** ****
Harley Hitchcock
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