Swallowing camels while straining at gnats, the P.U.P.S. of the Peanut Gallery … suffering the incurable itch called the Puffed Up Peanut Syndrome (Romans 1:22) … and the impossible itch that cannot be healed (Deuteronomy 28:27;
2 Timothy 4:3) … are willingly ignorant to the number of word changes, that the NEW KING JAMES VERSION has made to the Bible.

… and when we say the Bible there is only one … The King James Bible.

Why? Their version does not mention the word “study” (2 Timothy 2:15).

And this automatically puts them under God’s curse that the pagan nations and rulers of the Old Testament suffered … they feared the LORD but served their gods (2 Kings 17:29-32,33).

As a Street Preacher, Dear Reader, I talk to these people on the street … and unfortunately for them, I have to turn them away after two or three admonitions (Titus 3:10).  

“That’s cruel” you might be saying “they’re not heretics!”… but they are! … they will not have God’s true words and Paul’s sound doctrine that only comes from it.

“Doctrine!” you might say … yes, God has deliberately closed their ears and eyes to sound doctrine … WITHOUT EXCEPTION!

Once you will not believe the King James Bible … you’ve set your course …

“What’s that up ahead? Niagra Falls! Quick! Can we turn around?”

You know, they serve their own gods … ignorance of dispensations, no knowledge of the kingdom of heaven versus kingdom of God, Calvinism, cults, Roman Catholicism, Methodists, Baptists, the “Greek”, church constitutions, baptisms  and the list goes on and on … it wearies me repeating this list all the time.  

They have an itch that the Calamine Lotion of the New King James Version … CAN NEVER HEAL! 

True medical doctors will tell you that a persistent itch or rash on the skin … comes from inside the body … the skin rash is merely a surface wake-up call that something is going on deep down.

And so it’s with the P.U.P.S. ever searching, ever scratching, ever debating, ever fractious, ever strutting … but never coming to the knowledge of the truth.

They refuse to have the truth … I mean … when I preach on the street to the unsaved, I make it extremely clear … that salvation is a free-will choice.

As I say “The reason you will not believe, is because you will not believe!”

Similarly, when the NKJV/NIV saved come up to talk … they will not believe because they will not believe, that the Bible is the King James.

However, they can’t, the love of sin and self is the food that the god of this world feeds on
(2 Corinthians 4:4).

Oh! They love God and Jesus, but they serve their own gods (2 Kings 9:27-30,31-33).

And so it is with the Bible … the god of this world stops the saved man or woman from believing the perfection and the inerrancy of the King James.

These 60,000 changes? … the accumulation of small changes then produces the full effect …

“Slowly, slowly but not too much zeal” says Rome

Harley Hitchcock
September 2024

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