Dear Reader, there’s scripture you will be aware of … “… the word of God, which effectually worketh also in you that believe.” (1 Thessalonians 2:13).

Can you see that? Let’s put it another way …

If you believe the word of God … it will work effectually in you!

Or conversely, if you don’t believe the word of God … it will not work effectually in you!

Now the word of God is the Bible … which Bible?

There are over three hundred of them and counting … and they all differ with each other.

But here’s the thing … all but one Bible has been concocted and invented.  They all disagree with each other … but no-one cares about that … they all disagree with The King James Bible.

The inventors of all the different Bible versions have one thing in common … they won’t believe the King James Bible being perfect, infallible, inerrant and inspired in the English!

Indeed, the disease that all ‘originals’ believers suffer from is called “ORIGINAL-ITIS”.

Now Dear Reader, this was the disease … nay that’s too kind a word … let’s call it ‘sin’ as the Bible does as follows …

“Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,” (Hebrews 12:1) 

Let us not forget, the Book of Hebrews, written by Paul, is primarily addressed to the Messianic Jew … indeed the Mosaic Jews … and of course the Hebrews in general including the descendants of Isaac and Esau … the father of which was Abraham.

The sin that so easily beset the Messianics, and indeed the Hebrews, was that of unbelief (Hebrews 3:12, 19;4:6,11).

They would not believe that the dispensation of their Messiah, Christ, was finished and they now had to have him as their Saviour.

Yes Dear Reader … Israel suffered from “UNBELIEF-ITIS”.

That is … no belief … no salvation.

Now the same applies in principle to the ‘originals’ believers … belief in the ‘originals’ but no belief in the English.

They don’t see it … the ‘originals’ believers have missed the boat … that dispensation is long far gone.

Yes, you might be saved, but you have to get with the programme of a Linear God.

Put it this way … God has always improved on things … and never, ever, ever gone backwards … always forwards to ‘bigger’, ‘better’ and ‘brighter’ things!

You don’t believe me?

Very simply, there was the dispensation of the LORD Jehovah God Almighty in the Old Testament … replaced by the dispensation of God Almighty the Lord Jesus Christ as the Son of man in the kingdom of heaven on earth… followed by the dispensation of the Lord God Almighty Jesus Christ as the Son of God under the kingdom of God dispensation.

God is not the as gods of Hindu Cosmic Cycles … whereby things get repeated over and over in a cycle. God was, is, and is to come, The God of the Straight Line concerning history … the past is replaced by the present and so on it goes.

And so Jesus Christ comes at the rapture … followed by the tribulation …followed by Armageddon … followed by the millennial reign … followed the never ending day Of God … see that?

Now similarly, because the ‘originals’ believers can’t move forward, they are forever stuck back in a time they can’t put their finger on … believing in a pile of unseen manuscripts … that no-one knows what was written in them … and so the Fairy Tale continues for them.  

Dear Reader, little kiddies aren’t the only ones to have Fairy Tales … adult Christians do too … yes these are saved people, never to be lost with eternal security … Adult Christians have the ‘Originals’ Fairy Tale of the perfect, infallible, inerrant and inspired ‘Originals’ … that exist somewhere in the universe … but they don’t know where … 4000 trillion light years out there somewhere … are they in heaven … and if they are no-one can read them! 

No-one has seen them, know what they look like or study them … these are called THE MYTHICAL MANUSCRIPTS!

If you ever want to see a bogged down church, go to one that has in their constitution … the word ‘originals’!

It’s the funniest thing you’ll ever see … patting themselves on the back for this and for that … but I will guarantee you … that no-one will be doing any street preaching. Oh! They might gather courage to hand out a tract or two … or letter box drop.  

But do you know why? God will not let them because they do not believe in the King James Bible! Oh yes! They will use the King James … but they can’t preach with power … it’s impossible for them! (1Corinthians 4:19)

So because of their unbelief in the present day King James Bible, they have this sin called “ORIGINAL-ITIS” that can’t be cured. It’s also called “UNBELIEF-ITIS”

Yes, their Bible is the “Originals” but that can’t be found or studied.

And this is what scares the living daylights out of ALL Greek and Hebrew professors so badly … they are scared to death someone will think that they could be worshipping the Bible … Shock! Horror! Wheeze! Gasp! … so they try to make their students worship THEM.

And instead of putting the English of the King James Bible as the final written authority, they correct the Bible and make you think they are the final authority.

Ho! Hum! If this wasn’t so serious, it would be funny.

Forever spinning their wheels, going back into a long gone dead language … Hindu Cosmic Cycle Bible Study it is called … can’t move forward … why! GOD WILL NOT LET THEM! THE GREEK HAS FINISHED! IT HAS BEEN REPLACED BY THE SUPERIOR LANGUAGE CALLED ENGLISH.  

And if you don’t know what I’m talking about … you are an ‘originals’ believer.


Now Dear Reader, if you are an ‘originals’ believer, I can put my finger on exactly where you park your doctrinal car in the Bible.

It’s a deadly trinity … the pride and the arrogance that follows unbelief!

Dear Reader, do some study! There’s plenty on this website! Hundreds of articles! More than enough to choke a wombat!

It’s called a Doctrinal Check Up … from the Neck Up!

Harley Hitchcock

This website’s front page is:

Q: What do the Baptists have in common with the Mormons?
A: “The Bible is the word of God as far as it is translated correctly.”
(The 8th tenet of the Mormon Church)  

“Shock! Horror! Wheeze! Gasp!” you may be saying.
But hang on Dear Reader, but that’s true isn’t it!



 Australian Bible Ministries, PO Box 5058 Mt. Gravatt East 4122 Qld, Australia