Christ throughout the Scriptures

“And Moses said unto Aaron, Take a pot, and put an omer full of manna therein, and lay it up before the LORD, to be kept for your generations.” (Exodus 16:33)   

Just as Christ is the heavenly pot as the Son of God with heavenly manna (Read John chapter 6, Christ was the earthly pot … the Son of man with earthly manna. (John 6:58)

To begin with, as stated above, the earthly manna in the pot, has stayed fresh … that is … been kept throughout Israel’s generations … similarly, Christ has remained unspoilt and fresh also.

1. Earthly manna came from heaven (Exodus 16:10) … Christ is the bread from heaven
(John 6:48-51,52-55,56-59,60)

2. Earthly manna fed earthly Israel (Exodus 16:14-33) … Christ as the heavenly manna is spiritual bread for the Christian (Matthew 5:6)

3. Earthly manna came from heaven every day (Exodus 16:5) … Christ is available every day to every man, woman and child (John 6:42; John 3:16)

4. Earthly manna was the glory of the LORD (Exodus 16:7) … Christ is the Lord of glory (1Corinthians 2:8; Ephesians 2:11)

5. Earthly manna was small (Exodus 16:14) … Christ became small (Philippians 2:7-8)

6. Earthly manna was a thing (Exodus 16:14) … Christ is called that holy thing (Luke 1:35)

7. Earthly manna was a puzzle as they wist not what it was (Exodus 16:15) … Christ was a puzzle as they knew him not  (John 1:11; 1John 3:1)

8. Earthly manna was white (Exodus 16:31) Christ’s hair and raiment was white (Revelation 1:14 ; Mark 9:3)

9. Earthly manna tasted like honey (Exodus 16:31) … Christ’s words taste like honey (Revelation 10:9-10)

10. Earthly manna kept forever for the generations (Exodus 16:33) Christ lasts forever, and those in him as well. (John 6:47) 

11. Earthly manna was beaten (Numbers 11:8; Isaiah 53:5) Christ was beaten (John 18:22)    

12. Earthly manna tasted like fresh oil (Numbers 11:8) Christ’s Spirit is the spiritual oil (Matthew 3:16)

13. Earthly manna came from heaven (Numbers 11:9) … Christ came from heaven (John 6:42, 51)

14. Earthly manna was melted (Exodus 16:21) … Christ’s heart was melted (Psalm 22:14)

15. Earthly manna was sufficient for all (Exodus 16:18) … Christ, his grace and his words are sufficient for all (2 Corinthians 3:5; 12:9; Colossians 1:19, Col 2:10 )

Harley Hitchcock
December 2023


Christ throughout the Scriptures


 Australian Bible Ministries, PO Box 5058 Mt. Gravatt East 4122 Qld, Australia