There’s a poor fellow … a Roman Catholic I think … in hospital on the point of death … and his name is Ben Tryin’ and he’s desperate to know whether he’ll get to heaven when he dies … but he doesn’t know how … put it this way … he has no assurance.

He’s been trying to be good, living a moral life, going to church, confessing his sins and so forth, but he has no assurance of eternal life in heaven.

Anyhow, there are these three nurses on his ward … all professing to be Christians … who are aware of his predicament in getting to heaven.

And so one by one, they come in to have a talk, hoping to comfort and put his mind at rest, before he dies.

The first nurse, Miss Copy N Do comes in and sits be his bedside.

With great effort, Ben blurts out “Help me Nurse … I’m trying hard … but I have no assurance of going to heaven!”

Miss Copy N Do replies “Look Ben, it’s simply up to you. Have you renounced your old life of sin? Everything you have ever done has got to go! You have got to give up any gambling, drinking, bars and evil nightclubs, lose some weight, stop being a glutton and looking at dirty magazines?”

She goes on “It’s so simple … do like Jesus … what he did. Furthermore, you must start filling your mind with all things pure and lovely of those things in heaven. You must love the Lord and hate evil.”

Ben, on his last legs, starts to gurgle and gasps for breath.

So Miss Copy N Do calls for back up.

In walks the second nurse called Miss Relax N Befilled.

Ben, without hope and God, clutches her hand and whispers “I don’t have much time … help me break though to God!”

She is at her wits end, and not knowing what to do, blurts out “Ben! Ben! Listen to me! Quickly, you must give your heart to Jesus! Reach out your hand and take Jesus’ hand, and invite him into your heart.”

She goes on “You must fall on the Rock of Jesus … let him be your covering of righteousness … your wedding garment … let the Holy Spirit fill your life right now to overflowing … just relax and let go and let God! Do you feel it? Let the Holy Spirit burn and purge out all the sin in you!”

Right then, the supervising physician comes in and says “Miss Befilled, your time is up.”

And so, the third Nurse Miss Law N Grace enters Ben’s room … but she doesn’t try to urge him to try harder or get filled, but says the following …

“Look Ben, the Ten Commandments have demanded that you be sinless and perfect … have you?”

Ben answers “No” 

Miss Law N Grace continues … “Then that makes you a sinner does it not?”

Ben says “Yes … but I haven’t been all bad. There are some worse than me.”

Miss Law N Grace says “Look Ben, God doesn’t weigh your good and bad deeds on a set of scales. Did you know that even if you commit one sin in your life you are guilty of breaking them all? That is the nature of God … he cannot let one sin or sinner into heaven, but cast you into the fires of hell for everlasting torment!”

Ben looked stunned … he’d never heard this before.  

Miss Law N Grace goes on saying “The Bible says but God commendeth his love toward you, in that while you are now a sinner, Christ died and paid the penalty for your sins with his shed blood … past, present and future.”

Ben, on his last legs, gasps “Go on!”

Miss Law N Grace then lets him know that Christ has lived the perfect sinless life on his behalf … the one that he should have lived.

Ben says “What’s all that mean? I’m lost … what must I do?”

Miss Law N Grace says “Nothing but believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, who has paid your sin debt to God already … it’s as if you have satisfied the Ten Commandments by Christ fulfilling them for you … on your behalf. It’s not about your working harder or getting filled with the Holy Spirit. All things necessary for your salvation have been done. All your boxes have all been ticked, by the doing and dying of the Lord Jesus Christ. Will you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ?”

Later that night Ben passed away in his sleep …

Did Ben get saved? … Which nurse did he believe?

Harley Hitchcock
October 2024

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