OT vs NT salvation

Dear Reader, the whole world is falling over themselves to ‘learna da’ Engrish’ … and do you know why? … God’s put it IN their heart.

As God is the true Light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world (John 1:9) … he wants them to read his true words of the English King James Bible.

Now as Bible words have meanings, Mr Newby … a new Engrish Christian … as well as new to the English language … you know the fellow … he has a great desire to learn English … he eventually wins English spelling contests.

So he comes across the word “remission” in his King James, so he looks up the Dictionary, and finds that it means … in the case of cancer … that the cancer can come back again … it’s only temporary … no permanent cure.

So then Mr Newby looks up the word “remission” in a King James Bible Concordance and finds the verses that say “for the remission of sins that are past” (Romans 3:25) and “without shedding of blood is no remission” (Hebrews 9:22).

Now fascinated by all this, he then discovers that the word “redemption” is also connected with the getting rid of sins with “In whom (Jesus Christ) we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins:” (Colossians 1:14).

Now, not wanting to be ashamed (2 Timothy 2:15), he ponders … “Mmmm!” As they are two different words, will they have two different meanings?”

Then the light bulb in his head flicks on …

“For it is NOT possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away sins.” (Hebrews 10:4).

So Mr Newby puts two and two together, and discovers that the Christian Peanut Gallery have got it all wrong believing that “Salvation in the OT is the same as salvation in the NT … that is … saints in the OT had eternal security”.

He discovers that under the OT, saints only ever had a temporary remission of sins with the blood of bulls and goats … their sins were never taken away, but only covered (Romans 4:7; Psalm 32:1) … but with Christ, saints under Paul’s NT dispensation, have redemption from sins … that is … eternal security … saints washed from their sins … not merely covered … with Christ’s blood (Revelation 1:5).

Unlike a Pauline Christian, the Old Testament saint could only ever have his sins coverednever washed away … with animal blood.

A case in point is this … several years ago, I had a two hour conversation with a saved King James Bible using … not a believer … Pastor … who had spoken English all his life … ‘studied every word of the Bible twice’ he told me … an American Pastor came out and taught him … so there should be no excuse … who could not? would not? grasp what the diligent Mr Engrish Christian Newby had found.

Having pulled out all my hair … the floor was covered … and trying very hard not to wring some knowledge into this Pastor’s brain via his neck, I said “If saints in the OT had eternal security, why is it they kept on shedding animal blood day after day.”

His reply Chirp! Chirp! … silence … … … … …

“Ah! Da’ Engrish of the Old King Jimmy Bible!”

Harley Hitchcock
August 2024

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 Answer:   “No … they’re worse! Yum! Yum! 



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