Answer:   “No … they’re worse! Yum! Yum! 


Dear Reader, you’ve all heard the saying “Any lie repeated often enough, soon becomes accepted as the truth.”

For centuries now, Rome has been hammering away with the terms of “the originals” and “the Greek”, so much so, that all the greats like Scofield, the Wesleys and Spurgeon et all, have been caught hook, line and sinker with these lies.

There’s Scofield down the bottom of the pages of his Bible saying “This is not found in the best manuscripts” and so on.

Now the lie of the best manuscripts has seeped into the church to become its warp and woof … the DNA if you will … of Christian thinking, such that the average church-goer doesn’t know the truth if it jumped up and bit him on the knee cap.

The point is this … this willing ignorance only gives Christians the excuse to change anything they don’t agree with in the Bible.   

Dear Reader, you don’t have to have too much Bible IQ to sound like a Puffed-Up Peanut … a PUP if you will … something akin to a ‘knowledgeable’ five year old seeking to run the family according to what he knows.

Like the phrases “I think if we all love Jesus … that’s the main thing” and “Let’s get back to the essentials and stop arguing” and “My Pastor says the Bible comes from the Greek” and “That word/phrase is not in the originals” and “Knowledge puffs up” and “All Bibles are essentially the same” … and so on and so on.

Christian church constitutions now have “We believe the Bible is inerrant, perfect and infallible, so long as it has been correctly translated from the original manuscripts.”

And Dear Reader, you may be asking what and where are these original manuscripts?


Nobody knows what they are and where they can be found … and what’s more … no-one has ever seen them.

They are a mythical pile of unseen and unread papers that cannot be found anywhere … however we are assured by the PUPS in the Peanut Gallery that they exist in heaven somewhere.

Anyhow, let’s get back to the topic in hand … the ‘best’ manuscripts.

Now Dear Reader, here’s a question … “If the Pope doesn’t know how to get to heaven, why would you be reading his Kool-Aid Bible?”


You wouldn’t … BUT YOU ARE!

The so called TWO ‘best’ manuscripts were written about 330 AD … and soon thrown away by Rome … because even the Popes knew they were absolute rubbish.

Anyhow, some Catholic bloke, trying to make a name for himself, found one of these in a Catholic monastery at Mt Sinai … and it’s been called the Codex Sinai-ticus … and he found the other on a shelf in the Pope’s library … and it’s been called Codex Vatican-us.

Dear Reader, it doesn’t matter if you’re Catholic, Christian or Calathumpian, you’re drinking out of Rome’s broken cisterns (Jeremiah 2:13) … namely … NIV, NASB, Good News, Amplified, New King James Bible et al … which are poisoned with these TWO ‘best manuscripts’.

Dear oh! Dear oh! Dearie me! (2 Corinthians 4:4).

What’s the verse? Some Christians really are asleep in Jesus (1 Thessalonians 5:6) … and I don’t mean the dead ones (1 Thessalonians 4:15).

 “How’s that Kool-Aid tasting Bob?” 

 “Delicious … I’ll have some more.” 

Harley Hitchcock
August 2024

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