Dear Reader, as the word ‘scribes’ … as in the scribes and the Pharisees … has very unsavoury connotations in the Bible, the word ‘copyists’ is being used … and is more suitable in this context …as one who copies documents and so on.

These were men in the old testament, who made copies of original manuscripts with the unbelievable and utmost care.

Of course we must remember, what holy men of God spake was without error … and not what was written down (2 Peter 1:21).

Just how careful were they?

1. Before, and after, they wrote the name of God … in any way, shape or form … they would … with veneration and reverence … wipe their pens.

2. Before writing the name of God … JEHOVAH … they would wash their whole body, lest they would besmirch and taint the holy title.

3. The new copy would straightway be examined and carefully compared with the original.

4. If there was even one error or one incorrect letter that was discovered, the whole copy would be destroyed.

5. Furthermore, each new copy was to be made from an approved manuscript.

6. Approved manuscripts were only to be written with a special type of ink.

7. The actual material to be written upon, had to be a special skin taken from a clean animal.

8. The copyist pronounced out loud … for others to hear … each word before writing it.

9. It was forbidden to write any word from memory.

10. The copyist was to count both the words and the letters, and how many times each word and each letter occurred … and then compare the same to the original.

11. The copyists would determine the middle letter of the first five books of the scriptures, the Pentateuch; and also the middle clause and the letter of each book.

12. The copyist would ascertain how many times each letter of the alphabet occurred in all the Hebrews scriptures. For example, the letter Aleph (A) occurred 42,377 times and the letter Beth (B) 32,218 times.

13. The copyist’s all-consuming … one hundred percent … intent, desire and purpose … was to please God.

Mmmmm! Dear Reader, it is the opposite today … that a Christian’s intent, desire and purpose today, should be to have a Bible that pleases him or her.

Harley Hitchcock
August 2024

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