Dear Reader, people have questions, and furthermore, have their own opinions!

Can you recognize yourself in the following?

I’m too great a sinner” 

I’ll decide sometime” 

 “I could never keep it up” 

I’ve always believed in Jesus” 

 “God is love and won’t damn anyone” 

 “There are too many hypocrites” 

I’ve tried before and failed” 

I’ve too much to give up” 

 “I don’t believe the Bible

I do my best” 

 “I have wrong thoughts” 

  “I’m easily upset” 

 “I’m not growing spiritually

 “I have an inferiority complex” 

 “I get depressed” 

 “I feel of failure” 

 “I have homosexual tendencies” 

 “My marriage breaking up” 

 “I worry a lot” 

 “I’ve just lost a loved one” 

 “I have difficulty making friends” 

 “I find it hard to pray” 

 “I doubt if I am saved” 

I’ve committed terrible sins” 

 “I find it difficult to forgive” 

  “I’m contemplating suicide” 

 “Aren’t all religions the same?” 

 “Is Jesus Christ really God?

 “Isn’t Christianity just  psychology?” 

What about the heathen?” 

 “The Bible is full of errors” 

 “Did Christ really rise from the dead?” 

 “How can miracles be possible?” 

Why does God allow 

There are FOUR main reasons why people, believe the way they do:

1. Ignorance – These people have never heard about the Bible or the way of salvation. Most are aware, deep down, of the sins in their life, but keep their distance from anything religious, using their ‘ignorance’ for rejecting God … despite nature and their conscience telling them that God exists (Romans 1:18-20)

2. Pride – These people are wrapped up in their own self-centred and ego centric universe, and will not admit they need God’s help for eternal salvation (John 5:40-43,44; Acts 16:31)

3. Bitterness – These are bitter with God for letting pain, suffering and injustice enter their world … “If God’s not concerned with helping us, why would we be interested in him!”

4. Moral impurity – These people are knee deep in the pleasures of the flesh and will not give up their present lifestyle. Their motto is “It’s my life and I’ll do what I want!”. They love their sins, and resent God demanding that they be born again with new heart.

People reject Christ as Saviour, not because of their minds, but because they will not.

It is not “I can’t” but “I won’t.” It’s a problem of their will. An example is as follows:

A Christian when talking with a bright University student said “If I can prove to your satisfaction, the claim of Christianity to be true, will you receive Christ?”

The university student’s reply was “No.”

To which the Christian said “Then the problem is not with your mind, but in your will. It’s not an intellectual stumbling block in your mind, but a voluntary acceptance in your will.”

As they say “Keep an open mind” … and click on the articles that interest you!”

 Harley Hitchcock

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 Australian Bible Ministries, PO Box 5058 Mt. Gravatt East 4122 Qld, Australia