If you want to do some street preaching, you’ll need some boards for people to look at.

I use nine boards … and when read left to right … #1 through #9 … passers-by can be convicted … first by the law … and then read of the gospel with the love of God.

These are the aluminium edged 75cm x 50cm cork boards bought from K-Mart for about $15 each.

You can vary the fonts and the size of the letters; the colour of the paper (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet), the colour of the background on the boards and so on.

I take each board and totally cover the side I will use, with about 10-12 sheets of white A4 paper with sticky tape … first to the outside of the aluminium edge, and then to each other.

You can vary the colour of the background paper … eg black for a sin message, red for the cross; yellow for Jesus Christ and so on … or any combination thereof.

I print all these signs on an ordinary Compact Mono Laser Printer, and then just using sticky tape, I stick them against various coloured backgrounds of the cork boards.

The size of the letters can be from 12 point up to 240 point and as you can see, various fonts are used … and much paper will be ‘wasted’ … but the end result is worth it.

Many sheets of A4 are used to get the correct sizing of the letters … and I print the letters on the Landscape layout … eg the word “perfection” on Board #1 is a two-page layout with “perfe” on one Landscape page, that has been sticky-taped along side “ction!” … and so on.

I make sure all edges of any piece of paper are taped down so as to avoid ripping or tearing.

You will need to cut the various sheets to get the correct layout you want.

Going from left to right, here is the order I set the boards up … as follows …

If you don’t have a computer or a printer, simply use various coloured chalk on a blackboard.

As you read the boards in order, you will see the reasoning used …

First the law and their impossible demands.

Second … the demands are a curse

Third, Fourth … no-one escapes … all have sinned … all guilty.

Fifth … Christ becomes the curse for us … and is the ‘scapegoat’

Sixth … the sinners cry toward a Santa Claus God

Seventh, Eighth … God’s love for redemption

Ninth … warning a burning hell.

As has been said “The law must first cut before the gospel can heal the wound

Board #1

Clearly states the holy and perfect ten commandments demand sinless behaviour from men and women.

Board #2

It’s the DEMANDS of the God’s laws that are a curse … not the actual laws themselves.

Boards #3 and #4

Clearly states there are no good sinners and bad sinners. Committing one sin in your lifetime make you guilty of transgressing them all … and deserves the total wrath of God as he cannot let one sin or sinner into his sinless world in heaven.

Board #5

Clearly states that Christ, like the perfect old testament animal (bird or goat) had the sins

laid on it and became the curse.

Board #6

This is the cry of self-centred people … Me! Me! Me! … you know … if God was God he’d bless me! Well, he has done that for everyone. He’s paid for their sins … past and future … nothing more to pay.

Board #7

God being ‘the gentleman’ he is … he doesn’t force anyone to get saved … but he simply commends/’recommends’ his love in Jesus Christ … for our ‘consideration’ and eternal benefit.

Board #8

John 3:16 is a the well known verse all over the world. It simply tells that believing on the Lord Jesus Christ will give you eternal salvation … never to be lost … not only for remission of past sins but redemption concerning future sins as well.  

Board #9

This is the warning for those who will not believe on the Lord Jesus Christ … a burning hell!

Here’s hoping the above explanations will be helpful to any Street Preacher.

Harley Hitchcock
August 2024

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 Answer:  You meanYOU HOPE THERE IS



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