As a Street Preacher, I get to talk to many people about the Bible, and I’m always aware …  through past time-wasting experiences … that while it’s important to cater to a person’s intellectual integrity … I try not to entertain their intellectual arrogance.

As I was setting up one day, a young man came up and asked if he could discuss what was on my boards eg “All have sinned etc” … “How can ye escape the damnation of hell?” etc.

I said “Sure, but let me ask if you have you made up your mind already … are you 100% sure on what you believe … because if you have, I won’t waste my time”.

My experience has generally been that they’re not genuine enquirers … but are hoping to change my mind.

Satan sends these people up, from time to time, to stop the gospel being publicly preached.

Most of them lie saying “Oh no … I just have a few questions.”

His big thing, apart from ‘there is no such thing as sin, God, heaven or hell’ was this … he’d found an error in the Bible … and this was why he wouldn’t (an act of his will) accept the truth … and therefore he was determined not to get saved.

I got sucked in again!

Dear Reader, it’s funny how hard these people, take nothing … that is … God does not exist in their own mind, … and then try to prove that God does not exist. If they are so convinced that he does not exist, why do they keep on trying to prove it?

Anyhow, this Intellectual Arrogant’s big proof for Bible error, is where Jesus first confronts the money changers in the temple (John 2:14) … and then three years later, doing it again (Luke 19:45-46).

His question was “Which was it … then or then … it can’t be repeated!”

Why? Because HE HAD DECIDED THAT WAS THE CASE! It couldn’t happen twice.

He further mumbled something about Bible chronology and times frames in the Bible … with this coming before that and so on.

A very confused young man.

Of course, for starters, Jesus being the 2nd of the Godhead always does things twice! How about that!

Here’s another one … “Hey Preacher, the Sermon on the Mount … did Jesus deliver it on a

hill or on a plain! Gottcha’ there Preacher haven’t we!”

Due to their paucity of Bible knowledge … coming from the Latin ‘paucus’ meaning ‘little’, insufficient, smallness and scantiness … they are oblivious to the fact that Christ delivered it twice … once to his apostles and the other time, to the general population.

But here’s the thing … there’s something in the Bible they don’t like … it offends them and THEIR HIDDEN … or indeed … OPEN SIN.

They remind me of castle archers with an ENDLESS supply of arrows (arguments) shooting down at the enemy … the King James Bible … storming their castle … that could discover THEIR WORKS OF THE FLESH  you know … or whatever dark stuff they’re into.

So Dear Reader, do your best when someone asks you to prove to them this and that, but be aware that they can set the agenda, and get you running around in circles.

Put it this way, you will never ever satisfy their intellectual arrogance.  

Next time should this gentleman appear and ask me to prove something from the Bible that he disagrees with, I’ll simply say to him “I don’t have to prove anything … have a nice day!” (Titus 3:10).

When talking to a heretick … yes Dear Reader … ‘saved’ or ‘unsaved’ … remind yourself of the following …

HERE is A TICK that has burrowed into … and poisoned … their brain. They will not change.”


Is Intellectual Arrogance (I.A.) the same as Artificial Intelligence (A.I.)?



Harley Hitchcock
August 2024

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Did You Know …

… the next time you hear someone say
The Greek says…”,

you can be sure they don’t want to admit
I haven’t got a clue what the English says!”


The originals …


 Australian Bible Ministries, PO Box 5058 Mt. Gravatt East 4122 Qld, Australia