Q: “Look! I use the New King James Version and I’m a Christian … so what’s wrong with that?”

A: “Even blind chickens peck up some corn occasionally.”

Mrs Johnson goes to Doctor Near’nuff …  

“Well Mrs Johnson, we’ve taken some brain scans and I’m reading this Medical Dictionary to see what’s wrong with you … but I don’t like the big words … too hard! Look Mrs Johnson take these Panadols for three weeks and then come back and see me if it doesn’t improve.”


Mrs Johnson rings the Medical Registration Board:

“Hello, I’ve just been to Dr. Near’nuff … is he qualified?” 

Three Bibles examples are ‘thrice’, ‘besought’, ‘throughly’ 

1. Dear Reader, when Paul speaking of his thorn in the flesh …  instead of saying “… I besought the Lord thrice …” (2 Corinthians 12:8) … why didn’t Paul use easy to understand language and simply say “ … I asked the Lord three times …”

But once again, this is the argument of those that would pull down God’s language to the level of the Easy Read Version … the New King James Version … the Blind Chicken Version (BCV).

When it comes to the choice and depth of meaning of words, the New King James Version (BCV) is like a custard skin … THIN!

But of course, that is to be accepted, as users of the NKJV can only digest milk, rarely grow up into adulthood, and avoid eating the meat of the word (1 Corinthians 3:2)

Question: Why would God use the word “thrice” instead of the word “three” (2 Corinthians 12:7)

Answer: The word ‘thrice” is used for emphasis of the number of times Paul presents his case to the Lord. 

The word ‘three’ is like the word ‘thrice’ … but it lacks punch … it’s like a balloon without air … as ‘thrice’ conveys intensity.

Paul could have said “I asked the Lord three times …” but this takes away the urgency and forcefulness that Paul would convey.

Q: “Oh Paul, when did you ask the first time?”  

Paul: “Oh … about ten months ago … I think.”

Q: “What about the second time?”

Paul: “Similar … about two months ago … I’ve forgotten.”

Q: “And the third time?”

Paul: “Oh … last week I think.”

From the above, one would get the impression that Paul was pretty indifferent to the whole thing … you know … you could hear Paul saying “I’m pretty relaxed about the whole thing … my thorn in the flesh doesn’t really bother me.”

But when the word “thrice” is used, the reader gets a sense of Paul’s urgency and intensity of his seeking being fairly close together.

Paul: “I pleaded once, then twice, and now thrice!” … conveying quick succession.

2. Another archaic word is “besought” … a similar thing.

Q: Why didn’t Paul say “I asked the Lord …”.

A: He didn’t … as besought conveys urgency, pleading, begging.

The word “besought” is a form of the word “beseech” which is to implore, beg, fervent, urging, entreating

Also Paul is not just saying that he asked the Lord to take this thing away from him … the “it” (2 Corinthians 12:8) … the physical infirmity besetting him … his myasthenia gravis of the eyes … his physical deformity affliction that affected his eyes … a drooping of one or both eyelids … he is on his knees with this thing … humbling himself before the Lord and entreating God’s mercy to take it away.

3. Another word is “throughly”.

Q: Why not use ‘thoroughly’ instead?

A: When you wash up the dishes, you wash them thoroughly … meaning to clean them on the outside … but you don’t wash them thoroughly … that is … on the inside.

If you did, you would be scratching away the enamel porcelain to wash the inside made of hardened pottery … as that would be to wash them throughly.

Here are some Bible examples:

a. “And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them throughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for morter.” (Genesis 11:3)

Bricks, when made, are burned right the way through … not just thoroughly on the outside.

b. “Wash me throughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin.” (Psalm 51:2)

Similarly, when a man get saved to today, he is purged from sin on the inside … his conscience and his soul (Hebrews 9:14).

God doesn’t just fix up his outward behaviours.

c. And here’s Paul talking to the Corinthians:

“But though I be rude in speech, yet not in knowledge; but we have been throughly made manifest among you in all things.” (2 Corinthians 11:6)

Meaning? “You know me on the inside as well … I have not just put on an outside show for you. You know I am not a hypocrite … saying one thing and being another on the inside!”

Ah! Dear Reader, the CUSTARD SKIN BIBLE … the BLIND CHICKEN VERSION … the ‘wonderful’ NEW (Acts 17:21) King James Version NO! It’s a complete new watered down translation.  

BCV users are like the SEVEE’S … the Seventh Day Adventists … they coat-tail onto where the Christians have been … pretending to be the same.

Nah! Chalk and cheese.  

People using their NKJV the BCV … are simply saying “We are excusing ourselves from Paul’s sound doctrine and Bible study (Jeremiah 5:21).”

Their excuse “We are just bone-lazy!”

Definition of Bone-Lazy:

“Extremely lazy; a bum; a do-nothing; an idler; a loafer; a person who does no work”.

There is a syndrome called the BONE LAZY SURFACE SKIMMERS (BLSS).

NKJV users exemplify … and are the very product of what they study … skimming over things … near nuff good’n nuff … “I got other things to do as well as read the Bible”.

But people find time for anything they want.

Similarly, those who say that the King James Bible is the best translation … they are blind chickens as well … attempting to know the Bible thoroughly … but not throughly.

Similarly, churches that accommodate the NKJV (BCV) … they are BLSS.

Too harsh? Nah! Not harsh enough! We must remember we are dealing with milky babies (Hebrews 5:13; 1 Corinthians 3:2)

Put it this way Dear Readers … as someone once said …

“… when ye know, that ye know, that ye know, that ye know … YE KNOW!!!

(2 Peter 3:17)

Harley Hitchcock
October 2024

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Winner winner … Chicken dinner!



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